Friday, August 28, 2009




  1. Hi BC, i am very new to technical analysis. Can u consult you on this subject? Suppose i place a buy call at 1.36 and a stop loss call at 1.34. What if the share price on that day is fluctuating between 1.32 and 1.37, and end up with last price at 1.36. Is there a possibility that i have made 3 times (or more) of trading (buy @ 1.36 then sell @ 1.34 & buy @ 1.36 again)on that day due to the fluctuation?

    If the answer is yes, what is the maximum amount of trading has been made on the same day and the same stock based on your experience, especially when the fluctuation of the stock is very high?

  2. 如果只是机械式的执行止损,确实会一天内进出多次才能咬得住主力;但是现场观看的话,或许就可避免这类情形的发生!需知主力操盘是有迹可寻的,有时表面上看是出货,实际上却是吸筹;有时表面上看是拉升,实际上却是抛盘的前奏。
