Friday, February 10, 2012


你可能会问说:为何会是RM 900,000 ?

要退休30年不做工,真的需要RM 900,000 这么多吗?

让我们一起来算算这笔账(以2012 年为准):

是的,每个月分配到RM 2,500 only ,而且还是for 退休后的两公婆一起用哦!

再从中拿掉RM 500 作为年度开销(RM 500 x 12个月= RM 6,000),例如两公婆的旅行费(经济型)、汽车维修费、车险、路税、门牌税、火险、红白事等。

剩下的RM 2,000 ,扣掉每月车油费RM 200、报纸订阅费RM 40、2台手机月费RM 60、水电杂费RM 200、伙食费RM 300、管理费RM 80、柴米油盐菜菓RM 120 ,共计RM 1,000 !

余下的RM 1,000 最后让两公婆均分,仅各得RM 500 ---> 刚. 刚. 好!

有本事用剩的话就存下当私房钱,偶尔给小孩子买糖果、写写万字、到庙里添香油、到云顶资助一下林家、坐嘛嘛档看球赛,再不然就拿来付上网费,每天到这里的龙门客栈和股友们吹水~\(^.^) 呵。


  1. 2 years back, bclee says I need RM 600k. Now 900k liao! In another 2 years, need 1.2m due to inflation!

  2. Actually, I think this sum is overly exaggerated.
    And the problem with a big sum is, it pushes you to "rush rush rush, hurry hurry hurry" mentality.

    "This property is going to go up in price, catch it before it fly!" - The salesman chants.

    Investing and financial planning is hard enough without "running out of time" pressure, peer pressure, and "sendiri give sendiri" pressure.
    It just makes is insanely harder and more stressful with all these pressure.

    When you set a goal so high, you fall into this "hurry hurry mentality, i am running out of time".

    And it makes you rush into situation without adequate planning and study. It can be mad to rush through a building construction plan, only to find out huge mistakes later. And unfortunately, most of these life mistakes are irreversible, as men has not yet found a way to rewind time.

    I suggest a smaller sum to be accumulated by the age of 55; a sum of RM 310k. And with the help of our friend - annual return of 10% compounded.

    Let say you are now 40 years old, and suddenly you have this great insight about retirement planning. And you managed to save RM 25k through your years of labour, or by selling your asset to raise this cash. You then go on to save up at least RM 500 per month (RM 6k per year). Then try to get a small 10% return on your money.

    1.Get RM 25k
    2.Save RM 6k per year
    3.Invest to get 10% per year.

    And you should end up with RM 310k when you retire at 55 year-old.

    Once you retire, continue to invest to get 10% a year, and you should be able to consume 30k a year for your daily spending until you are 85 years old, AND still leave RM 400k as an education fund for your grandkids.

    The key in all investment is to be able to control expenses and save money, and to be able to avoid excessive investment risk.

    By not rushing,being more careful and selective in your investment choices, it is never too late.

  3. 老总,




  4. 结论一:

    lok 太年轻,所以较激进。


  5. When you say "不可拿来投资的", then if you can elaborate how do you intend to save this RM 900k sum without investing, and by putting it purely in Fixed Deposit saving account?

    If you are 40 years old. And retiring at 55. So, in order to save 900k in the next 15 years, you will need to save 5k a month. Not saying that it is impossible, but it can be very difficult for most people.

    Of course, you can start a business, or get promoted, be an artist, or a pop star in this next 15 years. They are all achievable targets. But it can be difficult for most people.

    We needs tools to help us work. Such as a bulldozer to bring down the forest. And compound interest to help us accumulate more money.

    Well, I thinkg Anonymous can give us a suggestion or a plan to achieve 900k retirement cash at 55 years old, starting from 40 years old.
    Please do suggest and elaborate a bit. I am keen to learn.

  6. 老总说的900k是已达成的目标,正式退休了,在这时候,当然不可拿退休金涉及高风险的投资。





    35-50 (成家立室了?还单身就继续20-35岁
    这时候,年纪大了,身体开始衰退,要手里握点钱才有安全感,那可以调整投资组合,比如说50% 股海/外汇/商品, 40%fixed income (FD,bond, ASW, 包租公,etc)




  7. 除了退休金n保险金,确实还要有投资金。


  8. Thanks Anonymous for his/her reply.

    If you are 30 years old, you might realise how hard it is to save RM 3k a month. Your income level might not even be that high at that age.

    And furthermore, it is always around 40 years old when you come to realise the need for retirement planning.

    Well, you can plan for high rates of return on your investment. Then it becomes mathematically possible. But it can be hard. And the older you get, the more you feel rushed, to take on excessive risk.

    Well, no one is saying investing should be easy.
    All the best!

  9. I was reading on this lately, let me share it a bit here:

    "Without question, Americans needed to save more, but very few could afford to increase their savings tenfold. In fact, the majority lacked the discretionary income needed to triple their savings. Those who did have the money lacked the desire. Ideally, the invention of tax-deferred retirement plans like the 401(k) would have spurred investors to tuck more money away, but it did not have that effect. In the nineties, Americans spent more and saved less. Their only hope, it seemed to many, was to chase ever higher returns.
    In truth, affluent boomers were not that far from their goal. Consider the typical new investor who, according to ICI, was 37 years old in 1992 with financial assets, not including his home or a pension, of $60,000.42 By tucking that $60,000 into risk-free 30-year Treasury bonds in 1992, he or she could have earned 8 percent a year, year after year—without ever losing a night’s sleep—for the next 30 years. (Of course, locking money up for 30 years means taking the risk that inflation will heat up, but historically 8 percent has been a relatively good hedge against inflation. And, over time, if rates moved higher, the boomer would be able to capture the higher rate as he added to his savings.)
    At age 67, the boomer who began with $60,000 would have had over $500,000, plus whatever he or she had added to the retirement account over those 30 years. If, as he earned more, he saved, say, just $7,500 a year instead of $6,300, he could easily have built a nest egg of nearly $1.5 mil-lion—while averaging “only” 8 percent. In other words, there was no need for these upper-middle-class boomers to chase double-digit returns.
    Yet “everyone urged small investors to take more risk—nobody talked about saving just a little more,” recalled Peter Bernstein, author of Against the Gods."

    Well, that is if you intend to retire about 67 years old. But the point is clear: Reduce risk, save more as your income gets bigger.
