Monday, March 11, 2013


去年10 月30 日,为大家报导了《仙股当道、老虎出笼》:

转眼4 个多月过去,一路追踪的结果,发现这一支《虎股》的炒作,竟然和报章配合无间,不住地在高位通过报章发放利好消息...... ( 十多则新闻稿 )

如今股价自最高位回落,跌幅深达54.13 %,心理不住纳闷:报章是没事干了吗?怎么竟然浪费版位帮忙炒作,让无数散户被套,新闻报导的正义,究竟去了哪里... ?

编注:20 年前,我也曾经在报馆当过资料员、编辑助理,如今见证报业积极的的助桀为虐,免不了一番感慨~



  1. May be he/she don't know what happen, since got no knowledge. Just report what he/she hear from someone....


    sama sama makan

  2. coz nowadays many reporters "I help you, you help me"

  3. Here is an interesting story.

    I had a friend who had huge lots of the Tiger stocks, and had held it for 3 years.

    So, one day, he received a call from a person saying that her boss wants to buy his shares for 0.35. He declined as his cost was way above that.

    Then after a couple more months, he received a call again from the same girl saying that her boss is willing to buy his stocks at 0.50, and ask him to put it as a sell order, and they will just buy it from him through the exchange. My friend declined because when someone tries to buy yours at 0.50, it means it will go up much much higher. Then indeed, the share price did went up to 0.50 as mentione. But then it fell very very quickly, and still managed to sell it at a profit.
    Later he found out from another friend of his, who only had 1 lot of the share ( 1000 units) who had received the same phone call. So, right now, he think that the phone calls he has received are meant to spread rumours.
