Friday, January 15, 2010


《 抓住正常运动中的股票 2 》


在股票20 元的时候,交易量增加,可以是平时的一两倍,股价从20 元升到21,22,甚至27 元,这几天的交易量较前段时间显著增加是其特征。到27 元时升势可能停顿,随之开始下调,股价走势为27 -> 26 -> 24 元,这段时间的交易量应较从20 升到27 元时的平均交易量为少,即股票从20 -> 27 元时买盘大过卖盘,从27 -> 24 元时的卖盘大过买盘,但这如果是正常的升势,从20 -> 27 -> 24 这段时间总的买盘大过卖盘。

在24 元徘徊几天后,股票应开始上升,交易量又开始增加,这次上冲应很快超过27 元,股价走势为24 -> 25 -> 27 -> 35 元。当股票冲到35 元时,又开始停顿,随之下调,重复第一阶段的运动。这次下调同样应有交易量减少的特点。一只正常运动的股票,每次上冲的强度通常较上一次更为猛烈。以我们这个例子,当股票再次冲破35 元时,应很容易地直冲到45 元或50 元,其间不会感觉到有很大障碍。



  1. I totally agree. That has just happen in the last 2 days.

    Difficult to set stop losses, or profit taking points.

    Even more difficult to increase buying point.

    By increasing the position, increases the average price making much closer to the trailing stop price.

    First you want to add more to a winning position.
    Second you don't want to loose money on a winning position.

    As greed and fear takes over.

    Easiest solution:
    Just sit and wait after your initial buy points.

    Add at higher price only after a retracement.

    If you just sit and do nothing... also can..
    No wind can blow you off.
    Don't add to your winning position. Then you can maintain your cut loss. Less thing for you to worry.

    Money management, it the hardest subject in speculation.

  2. 是的,只要买入点正确,只要买到基本面健全的好股,只要不是借钱炒作...

    No wind can blow you off.

    “八风吹不动”---- (",)
