Friday, March 12, 2010






2、检查你买卖的动机 。你若只想找刺激,云霄飞车可能更合适,也更便宜。







  1. When we last shorted the market together, I made more losses than I had in one trade.

    It was the same type of lost just before I left for Langkawi as well.

    The reason was:
    I did not listen to myself.
    I heard people say it will fall again, technical says falling. So I held on too long. Until the the pain was too strong, I had to let go.

    Last short, I brought my stop higher as well, just to modify my method 'to suite' the market.
    That was pure hoping. And pure gambling.
    I wasn't myself.
    I thought got a sifu behind me, agree that our short position was right. So I held on to my losing position.... for too long.
    And I wasn't comfortable with such a big cut loss. Never had been comfortable with it.... that's why we talked about looking at closing price or touching price.
    But the gap was too big to put in a meaningful big position to win again.

    I kept my losses large. I didn't cut my losses short. I was wrong.

    Rule no 1:
    Never lose money. Protect you capital.

  2. I will NEVER repeat this mistake again.

  3. 还要注意的是:

    不要老是企图“ short 在最高位”!

  4. I disagree. There are different strategy. Just follow the plan. And aim to trade well. As long as I trade acording to plan. That is trading well. Losing money is also ok as you are not influenced by emotions and trading according to plan.

    And your plan, should of course include an immediate stop loss when you are wrong.
    And also a prfit target as well. And also adding positon. And also risk management and also position sizing.
    That's the whole set of complete plan.

    If I follow the plan, the outcome will turn out as expected. I will know how much I will lose and also how much I win.

    There will be no such thing as surprise win! And also no surprise loss! That's important.

    If the plan is not good, all else is bad. Follow to plan 100%. Never do other than that.

  5. 也对!每个人的个性、要求皆不同,



    good luck .
